Sunday, October 4, 2009

Standing in the shoes of Michelangelo by: Carolyn D. Lathan

I attempted to stand in the shoes of Michelangelo and what big shoes to fill. I have so much respect for this talented sculptor. I attempted to sculpt a cross out of soap. I used a bar of Ivory soap, a small flat head screwdriver, and hammer. First, I carved an outline of a cross in the soap and then I used the flat head screwdriver to chisel away at the soap until I could see the shape of a cross. The soap was very fragile, so I was very careful not to crush the soap during the chisel process. Once the soap took shape of a cross, I took my time to make sure the edges were even, by shaving the edges until they were rounded at every angle. I must say this was not easy for me, but I enjoyed every minute of it. It was very soothing and relaxing. I was so caught up in the process that I forgot about the stress in my life.

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